¡Mi Madrid!
The audio series for BBC School Radio follows two friends: Quique, who is Spanish, and his friend Charlie, who is English and has just come to live in the area of Madrid called Lavapíes. Together they explore the city and with Quique’s help Charlie learns Spanish, supported by Quique’s mum Sofía, his Uncle Manu and their neighbour Maria. Each episode features a visit to a local landmark, a story, a conversation and a song.
See all 40 clips from ¡Mi Madrid!
Listen to all 10 episodes of ¡Mi Madrid!
This series of 40 audio clips provides resources to support learning Spanish at Key Stage 2, including ten songs. The content is primarily intended for 8 to 10 year olds who have been learning Spanish for one or two years. However, teachers may also find that some elements are suitable for younger pupils. A summary of the content can be found in the table below, with full details in the Teacher’s Notes. Transcripts / translations of all the content can be found on the Resources page and the clips can be downloaded in blocks of four from the Downloads page.